Music Teacher Guild Ethics Policy

Updated February 23, 2024

The Music Teacher Guild (MTG) Mentors are required to adhere to the Ethics Policy. 

The primary purpose of this program is to strengthen the teaching and learning of music by pairing together educational veterans with emerging young professionals, or any music teacher or educator who feels they need mentorship in any area of teaching and learning music. Through this mentorship, we expect that growing professionals will stay within our industry and give back to the next generation as they have been provided for.

 All Guild Mentors must agree to contractual terms before making Mentorship or other learning products or services available. Although there are hundreds of ethical standards to look through, there are a few that are often encountered in therapy, including but not limited to the following: 

  • Confidentiality and Privacy:

    • Mentors maintain strict confidentiality regarding all information shared by mentees during the course of the mentorship relationship.

    • MTG Policies outline the limits of confidentiality and under what circumstances information may be disclosed (e.g., legal requirements, imminent risk of harm).

  • Professional Boundaries:

    • Mentors establish clear boundaries with mentees to ensure a professional and respectful relationship.

    • Mentorship is provided exclusively through designated MTG communication channels.

    • Mentors and Mentees agree on the frequency of interactions and topics suitable for discussion.

  • Conflict of Interest:

    • Mentors disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may arise during the mentorship, such as personal or professional relationships with mentees or financial interests that could influence their advice.

    • Policies outline procedures for managing conflicts of interest to ensure the integrity of the mentorship relationship.

  • Non-Discrimination and Inclusivity:

    • Mentors adhere to principles of non-discrimination and inclusivity, treating all mentees with respect and fairness regardless of their background, identity, or beliefs.

    • Policies emphasize the importance of creating an inclusive and supportive environment for mentees from diverse backgrounds.

  • Professional Conduct:

    • Mentors uphold high standards of professional conduct and integrity at all times.

    • Mentors have been provided guidelines regarding appropriate behavior, language, and interactions with mentees, ensuring a positive and constructive mentorship experience.

  • Mentorship Goals and Expectations:

    • Mentors and mentees work together to establish clear goals and expectations for the mentorship relationship, including objectives, timelines, and evaluation methods.

    • Mentors have been trained on the responsibilities of both mentors and mentees in achieving these goals and maintaining a productive partnership.

  • Continuous Learning and Development:

    • Mentors commit to ongoing learning and development to enhance their mentorship skills and stay informed about best practices in the field.

    • Mentors are encouraged to engage in additional mentor training, workshops, or professional development opportunities beyond what is required by the Music Teacher Guild.

  • Feedback and Evaluation:

    • Mentors and mentees have mechanisms in place for providing feedback and evaluating the effectiveness of the mentorship relationship through the official MTG communication channels.

    • The Music Teacher Guild encourages open communication and constructive feedback to facilitate growth and improvement for both parties.

  • Termination of Mentorship:

    • Either the Mentor or Mentee may terminate the mentorship relationship respectfully and professionally at any time if either party feels it is no longer beneficial or appropriate.

    • The Music Teacher Guild provides guidance and support to mentees during the transition process, including referrals to other resources or mentors if needed.

  • Compliance with Laws and Regulations:

    • Mentors comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and ethical guidelines governing their profession and the mentorship relationship.

    • Music Teacher Guild Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy provide guidance on legal requirements related to confidentiality, reporting obligations, and professional conduct.